Tuition & Fees

不要让其他学校的高学费阻碍你上大学. 你的教育是对你未来的投资. 获得最大的投资回报 纳什维尔州立大学:一流的教育和庞大的支持网络——所有这些都是在 田纳西州最实惠的大学之一.

So Many Reasons to Attend

Why Nashville State

Nashville State Cost Breakdown

我们的学费和杂费每年都有波动,这取决于你修了多少学分. See all of 为你的未来做一个明智的决定. Remember: these numbers are before applying for financial aid. 如有任何问题,请与我们联系!

  Who Pays Cost
In-State Tuition 田纳西州居民,包括双老版大阳城集团网站学生

$176.00 per credit hour up to 12 hours 


Out-of-State Tuition Non-Residents of Tennessee

$726.00 per credit hour up to 12 hours 


Technology Access Fee All students $10.00 per credit hour, maximum of $116.00*
Program Service Fee 所有学生,双老版大阳城集团网站学生除外 $15.00 per semester  
学生自治会(SGA)费用 所有学生,双老版大阳城集团网站学生除外 $2.00 per semester
Student Activity Fee 所有学生,双老版大阳城集团网站学生除外 $4.00 per semester
QuikPay Payment Plan Students using the QuikPay Payment Plan  $25.00(一次性支付给Nelnet Business Solutions,不可退款)
Late Fee 在逾期注册期间注册的学生 $25.00
Nursing Courses Fee Students enrolled in Nursing courses $25.00 per credit hour

*Summer Fees: 暑期学费和技术访问费按学时收费,并在学校收取 full rate. (费用不以12学时为上限,也不按折扣收费 rate.)

Cost Breakdown by Credit Hour

学费根据你修的学时数而定. Take a look at the total cost for each credit hour,包括注册费(技术、项目、SGA、学生活动).


Credit Hours In-State Base Tuition Registration Fees* Total
1 $176.00 $31.00 $207.00
2 $352.00 $41.00 $393.00
3 $528.00 $51.00 $579.00
4 $704.00 $61.00 $765.00
5 $880.00 $71.00 $951.00
6 $1,056.00 $81.00 $1,137.00
7 $1,232.00 $91.00 $1,323.00
8 $1,408.00 $101.00 $1,509.00
9 $1,584.00 $111.00 $1,695.00
10 $1,760.00 $121.00 $1,881.00
11 $1,936.00 $131.00 $2,067.00
12 $2,112.00 $137.00 $2,249.00

学时超过12学时的收费为38美元.州内课程每增加一个学时,收费00美元 Tuition.


Credit Hours Out-of-State Base Tuition Registration Fees* Total
1 $726.00 $31.00 $757.00
2 $1,452.00 $41.00 $1,493.00
3 $2,178.00 $51.00 $2,229.00
4 $2,904.00 $61.00 $2,965.00
5 $3,630.00 $71.00 $3,701.00
6 $4,356.00 $81.00 $4,437.00
7 $5,082.00 $91.00 $5,173.00
8 $5,808.00 $101.00 $5,909.00
9 $6,534.00 $111.00 $6,645.00
10 $7,260.00 $121.00 $7,381.00
11 $7,986.00 $131.00 $8,117.00
12 $8,712.00 $137.00 $8,849.00

学时超过12学时的收费为148美元.州外每增加一个学时,收费00美元 Tuition.

Dual Enrollment Students

获得双录取助学金的双录取学生的费用如下:176美元 per credit hour up to 12 credits - $2112; additional $38 per credit hour above 12 and $8.每学时80元存取费,最多12学时及1元.90 per credit hour above 12. 未获得助学金的双生将按标准费率进行评估. 18岁及以上的双注册学生必须证明居住地.

It's More Affordable Than You Think

96%的学生获得某种形式的经济援助 assistance at Nashville State. 回答几个问题,找出学生们喜欢什么 you paid-out-of-pocket.

Net Price Calculator

TN eCampus Tuition & Fees

对于那些考虑在线学习的学生来说,你可以在校内省钱 fees and time commuting to campus. Check out the online programs available.

外州学生可以通过申请 eRate of tuition. Complete the form.

  Who Pays Cost
In-State Tuition 田纳西州的居民,只在网上或 eCampus courses $176.00 per credit hour, no maximum 
eRate Out-of-State Tuition Non-residents of TN who qualify for eRate tuition $88.除州内学分外,每学分00美元,没有上限
Out-of-State Tuition 非田纳西州居民,只在网上或 eCampus courses $726.00 per credit hour, no maximum
Online Access Fee 所有学生只在网上或网上注册 eCampus courses $70.00 per credit hour, no maximum
QuikPay Payment Plan Students using the QuikPay Payment Plan $25.00(一次性支付给Nelnet Business Solutions,不可退款)
Late Fee 在逾期注册期间注册的学生 $25.00

注意:TN eccampus课程均按小时收费,并单独收费 从其他网上或校内课程. TN校园费用不包括在学费中 全日制课程上限适用于所有其他类别的课程. For example, if a student 报名参加15个小时的课程,包括一门3小时的TN eccampus课程、学费和杂费 是按12学时收费,外加3学时的全价收费. 

 TN Reconnect和TN Promise只支付正常的学杂费 不包括TN校园课程.

Don't Miss Payment Deadlines

View Deadlines

学费和杂费可根据田纳西州董事会的政策随时更改 of Regents. 费用表在发生变化时公布. Fee increases are enacted 由管理委员会批准,通常在秋季学期实施.

Cost of Attendance

以下经济援助费用(COA)反映了直接的平均 (可计费的)和间接(不可计费的)费用,你可能会招致在纳什维尔 State. 总金额不是你欠纳什维尔州立大学的. Typically, the 你的经济援助/教育援助总额不能超过你的COA.

Understanding COA

Nashville State COA Policy


Housing Type Tuition & Fees* Books, course materials, supplies, & Equipment Living Expenses** (Food & Housing) Misc/Personal** Transportation Total (per semester) Total (based on fall and spring)
With Parents $2,249.00 $735.50 $2,393.00 $695.00 $1,298.00 $7,371.00 $14,742.00
Not With Parents $2,249.00 $735.50 $6,256.00 $695.00 $1,298.00 $11,234.00 $22,468.00
Military Living on Base $2,249.00 $735.50 $1,298.50 (only includes food) $695.00 $1,298.00 $6,276.50 $12,553

*based on 12 credit hours

Licensure/Professional Certification

澳门赌场的课程不需要执照/专业证书. However, the following 课程确实有额外的费用,可以根据要求(随附文件或申请)增加 如果他们被列在学生账户上)或为了防止超额奖励,请向英足总办公室咨询 如果已在学生帐户上发布,可以添加吗.

Adjustments to Cost of Attendance

财政援助办公室也可以根据具体情况调整COA. Contact Financial Aid at 以确定您是否有可能包含在COA中的额外费用. Examples include, but are not limited to: 

Contact the Student Billing Office

打电话,发电子邮件,或停止学生计费办公室与任何学费相关的问题. We're here to help!


Student Services Building
White Bridge Campus


Monday-Thursday: 8:15 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday: 8:15 AM – 4 PM


Phone: 615-353-3310
Fax: 615-353-3204